Krystal and the City

This is a blog for my family and friends to keep abreast of my goings-on in NYC.

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Location: Manhattan, New York

I am 23 and pursuing acting and professional waitressing in New York City.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Corpus Christi


So this past weekend I went to Corpus Christi for my cousin Trebor's wedding. It was awesome. I had such a good time and I am so happy I got to go and see my family and be there for his wedding. I also got to see my grandpa and grandma - and I always love when I can see them outside of the time they always spend at our house for Christmas. It was so warm down there - although it could have been even warmer and that would have been just great... but I'll take upper 70's low 80's anyday...

I also got to stock up on all of the stuff that is way too pricey to buy in New York - at Sam's! It was fun. The whole family went. I drove. Everyone was nervous... and talk about back seat driving.... but it was fun.

And I got to eat Mexican food! I think that is the biggest thing I miss about Texas... or anywhere but New York, really. New York has no Mexican food. I don't know why - they have every other kind of food you could imagine. But I guess the lack of it here makes me appreciate it all the more when I go home.

I am cleaning house because Bethany gets here Today! Hooray! I am so excited for her to come. I got the whole weekend off too... you might be wondering when I actually work... but I am going to work hard this April and then try and travel most of May. That is the goal right now anyway.

Hope everyone is well - I will update you early next week about the awesome time I had with Beth...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lovee, we had a great time with you as well...I'm so happy Beth is visiting you! I can't wait to hear how much fun you guys had...thanks for updating..Love, Mom

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Krystal,
We loved being with you in drove just fine!! Can't wait to see you again and hear about your weekend with Bethany!

10:05 AM  
Blogger BethanyShields said...

I'm glad you cleaned up because I am the kind of person who DEMANDS cleanliness when I vsiit someone. At least that's what some people think...

11:27 AM  

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