Krystal and the City

This is a blog for my family and friends to keep abreast of my goings-on in NYC.

My Photo
Location: Manhattan, New York

I am 23 and pursuing acting and professional waitressing in New York City.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rainy Day

I am spending my first full day as a resident of New York City. It is rainy... but that's ok. I've decided I must get used to/enjoy rain instead of letting it affect my mood.

Anyway - about the apartment - it is lovely. It is in a luxury high rise building on the East side of Manhattan in the neighborhood Murray Hill. I'm on the 54th floor in a 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. My roommate

is named Scott - he is a daytrader who goes to New Jersey to work 10 hour days and then comes back to Manhattan every night.

That being said, the reason I am living in this beautiful apartment is because Scott wanted a roommate who would be home during the day (more so than he is, anyway) in order to keep his adorable dog company.

Enter Sammy....

Sammy is a 1 yr old pomeranian. He is extremely well-loved by Scott and I am doing my best to get him to be comfortable with me as well.

Scroll down for more pics of Sammy...

Isn't he cute?

Anyway... back to me. I really like the area I am living in. It is very safe and I feel very comfortable in the apartment. The problem right now is that I am still feeling like a guest in Scott's apartment instead of feeling like I am an equal in the space. I know that will come with time... but still.

I am thrilled to be here though. I know it will take some getting used to - the pace and rhythm of life is so much different here than in Texas or anywhere else that I've lived. I am already missing my car... but buses and subways aren't bad either. If nothing else, they at least expose you to the diverse population of people living in this city.

I'll write more later. Please, feel free to comment on my awesome blog. I love and miss all of my friends and family!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the pics..Sammy is so cute! I hope you get what you need at IKEA. Keep writing in your blog, it is so nice to be able to keep up with your day to day experiences. I love you, MOM

7:02 AM  

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